In consideration of the acceptance to participate, the undersigned, by the execution of this entry form, releases and discharges the officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, servants, sponsors, commercial exhibitors, and anyone else connected with the management and presentation of this event from any and all known or unknown damages, injuries, losses, judgments, and/or claims from any cause whatsoever that may be suffered by any entrant to their
Further, each entrant expressly agrees to indemnify all of the aforementioned parties from any and all liability occasioned or resulting from the conduct of the entrant, or any participant assisting or cooperating with the entrant under the direction or control of the entrant. Management will make every effort to ensure a successful event and kindly requests vendors to cooperate in maintaining safety and professionalism throughout the day.
Vendor Fee: $30.00 (for one 10x10 space) Please indicate your preferred method of payment:
E-Transfer (Please send to: