White Knight Graco Scholarship
White Knight and Graco recognize the vital role skilled trades play in our communities. These professions offer stable, fulfilling careers and provide individuals with valuable, transferable skills and financial independence. If you are an MTECH student pursuing a career in Machining Technology or Automation Technology, we encourage you to apply for this scholarship. Both high school students and adults are welcome to apply. Multiple scholarships are available, with award amounts ranging from $250 to $1500. The estimated time to complete the application is 25-35 minutes.
MTECH students in the Machining Technology or Automation Technology Programs are eligible for this scholarship. Must have acceptable progress if currently enrolled in school. High school or adult students can apply.
Scholarship Deadline
Scholarship applications will be reviewed biweekly, through the end of March.
First Name
Last Name
MTECH Student ID
Enter "0" if you are not a current MTECH student.
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Date of Birth
I am a high school student.
I currently attend MTECH.
If you are not currently enrolled at MTECH, what month/year do you intend to start?
If you are already attending MTECH type "n/a"
This scholarship is for Automation Technology and Machining Technology students only. Indicate which of these programs are you enrolled in/plan to enroll in.
Please Select
Machining Technology
Automation Technology
I am currently meeting the the school minimum standard for progress(70%) and attendance (85%).
Not currently attending MTECH
Financial Need Section
This information is kept confidential, but will help us better understand your level of need.
Are you claimed as a dependent on someone else's taxes?
Have you completed the Free Application For Student Aid (FAFSA)?
Have you stayed with friends or family temporarily due to lack of house in the past year?
Are you worried that in the next 2 months that you may not have stable housing?
Within the past 6 months, the food I bought just didn't last, and we didn't have money to get more.
Sometimes true
Often true
Not true
What is your household's total annual income before taxes?
If you are in high school or are still a tax dependent, use your parent(s)/legal guardian(s) income.
How many school-aged children are in the household?
What amount do you contribute monthly, to your current housing costs?
Do your receive help with schooling costs from any outside sources? This includes family, friends, employers or organizations. If so list the source below, and indicate how much they contribute.
Example: Employer - $500 per semester
I need scholarship money for help with:
Please Select
Living Expenses
Select all that apply.
Getting to Know You
These questions are an essential part of the application process and will play a significant role in the scholarship selection process.
Please tell us about the path you are on why you have chosen to study the skilled trades, and what kind of impact or difference this scholarship may make on the pursuit of your goals?
What does success look like to you and why do you feel you will be a good choice for this scholarship?
What do you think will make you stand out from other candidates applying for this scholarship?
How did you hear about MTECH Scholarships?
Declaration of Truth
By submitting this application, I am certifying that the information, statements, and documentation submitted on or in conjunction with this application are true, correct and complete, to the best of my knowledge.
Should be Empty: