Orchard Grove Kindergarten 2025-2026 New Enrollment
Please read each question carefully. The criteria that needs to be met before entering into kindergarten curriculum is: Identifying letters, knowing letter sounds, knowing shapes, knowing colors, and counting to 20. We want the best for your student and feel that in kindergarten full-time is a great option for your student to get their full academic potential. Part-time will only be offered to the students that have a firm foundation on the criteria that is stated above.
"Education and Faith Growing Together"
Our Mission: Orchard Grove's mission is to provide a Christ-centered academic experience that cultivates a love of learning, honors the sacredness of childhood, and fosters an appreciation for God's creation. Through personalized instruction, hands-on experiences, and outdoor exploration, we aim to help children grow in knowledge, character, and faith. Email: orchardgrove2025@gmail.com All information is available at www.orchardgrovellc.com. There is no application fee. Once the application has been processed you will receive an email. Then Orchard Grove will request the $350 supply fee to reserve your students spot. This supply fee will cover EVERYTHING needed for this school year. Filling out this application helps us get a better understanding on the number of students that is interested in becoming part of the Orchard Grove's family. This also helps us prepare for the teachers needed to provide the outstanding tutoring your student deserves. ONLY fill this enrollment form out if you are SERIOUS about attending Orchard Grove.
Our program runs August to May. There will be many opportunities given throughout the year. Please choose the option that is best for your family. Supply Fee $350 -This one time supply fee is due once your student has been accepted and enrolled. It will cover any necessary supplies over the course of the year and curriculum books. Yearly tuition- $9,750 this tuition covers yearly enrollment which is 5 days a week. Yearly Tuition $9000.- This tuition covers yearly enrollment which is four days a week. Part Time Tuition $4500. This tuition covers part time enrollment which is two days per week. Drop in Fridays on select Fridays will be an additional $60. Tuition is due the first day of each month. The tuition will be spread out over a 10 month span. Late fees will apply. There is also a sibling discount, Full-time enrollment- 15%, Part-time enrollment- 10%. (First student will be full price and the siblings after that will receive the discount.)
Orchard Grove is not a school, therefore, we encourage our families to be under an umbrella school. We highly recommend Tennessee Christian Academy, located in Cookville, TN. Partnering with an umbrella school will allow families to receive physical report cards to keep track of your students performance. Our goal is that your student's academic performance remains an importance. Homeschooling your student requires that you follow the Tennessee State Homeschooling Law (TCA-49.6). Orchard Grove is not an accredited, but we hope by partnering with Tennessee Christian Academy this will relive the stress parents have by turning is grades and attendance.
Student Full Name:
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Student Date of Birth:
Parent/Guardian Full Name:
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Parent/Guardian Full Name:
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Is your student currently enrolled in school, daycare, preschool, ect?
Please Select
Will your student be 5 years old by August 1, 2025?
Please Select
Does your student have any special education needs or social development needs that Orchard Grove needs to be aware of? IEP, 504, ect. Please list them below and upload any documents that will help us to better benefit your student.
Please Select
Special Education Files:
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Does your student have any medical needs or concerns? Please list below.
Does your student have any allergies?
Does your student take daily medications?
Which enrollment option is best for your student?
Full Time (With Friday): Monday-Friday
Full Time: Monday- Thursday
Part Time: Monday/Wednesday
Part Time: Tuesday/Thursday
I consent to the following:
Photo and media consent of my student. (Pictures may be taken of my student and can be used online.)
Outdoor animal participation.
I acknowledge Orchard Grove's behavior policies and the admission policies as stated in the handbook and agree that these policies are acceptable to ensure the safety of my student and the others.
Should be Empty: