Thurston County Resident Questionnaire
2025 Community Wildfire Protection Plan
Thurston Conservation District is contracting with Ross Strategic and partnering with many other partners to create a Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) for south Thurston County. This CWPP is a vital document for the future of wildfire resiliency in Thurston County. We will use up-to-date information to assess local hazards and identify strategic investments to reduce wildfire risk and promote preparedness.
Community engagement in the CWPP development
Community engagement is a vital aspect of the CWPP development and implementation. You are welcome to join us at the West Thurston Fire Station (10828 Littlerock Rd SW, Olympia 98512) from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM on March 5th, 2025, for a community meeting. You will learn more about the CWPP process and have the chance to voice your specific concerns about wildfire risk in and around your community. This meeting is open to the public where we will address items listed in this survey and dive deeper into community values and priorities for future projects.
About this survey
We want to learn a little more about you and your opinions on wildfire risk and preparedness. To help us collect initial insights, we ask that residents, homeowners, and individuals who own businesses in Thurston County take a moment to complete this questionnaire. Please complete all the questions below to help us learn more about your values, needs, and concerns related to wildfire risk and community preparedness. It will take about 20 minutes to complete this survey. All questions are optional. Your answers will be kept confidential and the insights we gather from your responses will help prioritize countywide needs and projects for the 2025 CWPP. We greatly appreciate your time on this questionnaire.
Section 1. Concerns and methods of wildfire risk reduction
1. Vegetation management (thinning, burning, mowing, etc.) is a practice commonly used to control fuel load in wildland urban areas. We want to better understand your views on vegetation management. Please reach each statement and select the degree to which you agree or disagree with it.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
A. I understand the wildfire risk our community faces.
B. I know steps I can take to reduce wildfire hazards on and around my home/ business/property.
C. I support cutting trees along roadways to enhance the safety in case of an evacuation.
D. I support land managers such as the U.S. Forest Service of WA Department of Natural Resources to cut trees and vegetation to mitigate wildfire risk on public land near developed urban areas.
E. I support pile burning to eliminate woody material created by fire mitigation actions.
F. I support prescribed (controlled) burning to reduce wildfire risk in or adjacent to the community.
G. I support the use of grazing for fine fuel reduction (i.e. tall grasses, scotch broom).
H. I would consider cutting trees on my property for wildland fire protection.
2. If a wildfire were to occur in your community, how concerned are you about the following issues?
Not at all concerned
Not concerned
Somewhat concerned
Very concerned
A. Receiving timely and accurate information about the incident
B. Evacuating safely and promptly
C. Evacuating my livestock or pets
D. Damage to my home/business/property/livelihood
E. Damage to wildlife habitat
F. Loss of recreational activities
G. Decreased beauty of my property and open spaces across my community
H. Poor air quality due to smoke
I. Post-fire erosion and flooding
J. Loss of life
K. Loss of insurance coverage due to wildfire risk
3. Do you have any additional concerns in case a wildfire occurs in Thurston County?
Section 2. Reducing wildfire hazards and evacuation
4. Which of the following factors prevent you from completing risk reduction actions on your property or at your place of business? Check all that apply.
Lack of knowledge about effective methods to reduce hazards
Lack of financial resources
Lack of tools to complete the work
Lack of time to complete the work
Physical inability to complete the work
Limited means to dispose of downed trees, limbs, and other slash material
A desire to keep vegetation near homes/businesses for aesthetics, shading, or privacy
Local ordinances and regulations that prohibit certain modifications to homes/businesses and surrounding properties
Lack of concern due to a history of low wildfire risk in Thurston County
5. I have completed the following work to my home/business/property to reduce the risk of wildfire and prepare for potential evacuations. Check all that apply.
I cut trees or removed low limbs on trees near my home/business
I annually remove debris (dead vegetation, pine needles) from under my balcony, deck or porch
I annually remove debris (dead vegetation, pine needles, mulch) from under my balcony, deck, or porch
I removed all burnable fuel (mulch, grass, flammable furniture) from within 5 ft around the base of my home
I moved firewood away from my home/business and do not store it under my balcony, deck, or porch
I repaired or installed screens that are at least 1/8-in stainless steel to block embers from entering my vents, eaves, gutters, or crawlspace
I replaced my roof with less flammable materials
I widened my driveway so fire engines can access my property
I improved property signage or installed reflective signs so responders can locate my property in an emergency
I signed up for 'Thurston County Alerts' to receive emergency notifications during wildfire incidents
I created an evacuation plan for my family, pets, and livestock
I keep a Go Bag with important documents, survival gear, medications, etc. at the ready in case of an evacuation
I signed up and received a free home-risk assessment with Thurston Conservation District or Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
6. Which of the following would encourage and enable you to reduce the risk of wildfire on your property or place of business? Check all that apply.
Site specific planning guidance with information about wildfire risk reduction
Money to implement wildfire risk reduction practices
Access to inexpensive/easy ways to dispose of vegetation like trees and brush
Information on the effectiveness of different wildfire risk reduction strategies
Help doing the work (e.g. someone to thin trees and vegetation and/or remove debris)
A list of recommended contractors that could be hired to do the work
None of the above - I am not interested in these actions
7. Does your family have an evacuation plan prepared for if a wildfire occurs in your community?
Yes, for the people in my household
Yes, for the people, pets, or livestock in my household and on my property
No, but I do plan to prepare one
No, I don't plan to prepare one
8. If a wildfire caused an evacuation in your community, how concerned are you about the following issues?
Not concerned
Somewhat concerned
Moderately concerned
Very concerned
A. My neighbors, family members or I have physical limitations that would make it difficult for us to evacuate
B. I have children or know of children in my community that might be home alone when an evacuation occurs
C. My community does not have enough roads to handle evacuation traffic
D. I do not know where to go if asked to evacuate
E. I might not receive timely information about the need to evacuate
F. My ability to access resources need to evacuate pets and livestock (cattle, sheep, horses, etc.) and/or finding a place for them to go is limited
G. It would take me over 20 minutes to gather my personal belongings and pets to evacuate
H. I don't have access or have limited access to a vehicle
I. I have concerns about losing property, items of cultural/historical importance, business, crop/product, or livelihood
Section 3. Education and Resources
9. What methods are best to communicate with you? Check all the apply.
Direct physical mailer
Flyers and ads in and around town
Facebook/social media
Newspapers or radio
Thurston Conservation District's monthly newsletter
10. If you have received information about wildfire issues facing this area, who has provided this information to you? Check all that apply.
WA Department of Natural Resources
US Forest Service
Thurston Conservation District
Thurston County Sheriff's Office
Thurston County Emergency Management
Your HOA
Your local Fire District
Your insurance agency
Your neighbors
Your family or friends
Social clubs, community organizations, or Facebook groups
Newspaper or radio
I have never received information about wildfire issues in this area
11. Do you have any other thoughts or concerns relating to wildfire hazards and community preparedness?
Section 4. About you and your home/property/business
12. In what part of Thurston County do you live or own a business/property? Check all that apply.
Grand Mound/Maytown
Home/business in another area:
13. Do you rent or own the place where you live/operate your business in Thurston County? Check all that apply.
I rent the place I live in
I own the place I live in
I rent my business location
I own my business location
14. How would you describe your resident and/or business in Thurston County? Check all that apply.
Singly-family home
Multi-family dwelling (e.g. apartment, townhouse, condo)
Standalone business structure
Multi-business structure
15. What is your residency status in Thurston County?
Full time landowner
Seasonal resident (less than half a year)
I live outside of Thurston County
Short-term rental owner
Long-term rental owner
Owner of undeveloped lots
Business owner
16. How long have you lived or owned a business in Thurston County?
Less than 2 years
2 to 5 years
5 to 10 years
More than 10 years
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Are you interested in a free home wildfire risk assessment? (Please make sure we have your email address)
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