New Project/Fundraising Proposal Form
This form aims to allow church members, ministry leaders, and staff to capture ideas and suggestions. Once documented, the proposal can be reviewed by everyone impacted. This form will facilitate open communication and track the progress of the project. Please complete each section and click the submit button at the end. Note that the final question is optional and will allow you to elaborate on anything not covered in the previous questions, if necessary. Note that taking time to prepare and provide complete information to the Board of Stewards will ensure that the decision-making process can move quickly and efficiently. If more information is needed, submissions will be returned.
First Name
Last Name
Which of the following best describes your request?
New Project Request
New Ministry Idea
New Fundraising Event Request
If your proposal is a fundraiser that is for a Missions-related event, do you have the approval of the Missions Team?
This is not a fundraiser proposal for a Missions related event.
Will any "for profit" group/organization/entity profit from this event?
If a "for profit" group/organization/entity will profit from this event, please describe in detail.
Is this a one time event proposal or annual event proposal?
One Time
Has this event been held previously?
New Project/New Fundraising Description - Please include a timeline for the completion of the project.
Lay person providing leadership to the project/fundraiser
First Name
Last Name
Ministries that will benefit...
For New Projects, what budget line will funds come from?
Possible impacts to other ministries...
If other ministries will be impacted, then input is needed from those ministry team leaders. Please list all ministry leaders contacted and how they will be impacted.
Expected cost (Please provide as much detail as you can.)
Does your ministry budget cover the projected cost?
What is triggering this need? Why is the project being proposed now?
Please use the space below to provide any information not provided above that will be necessary to the Board of Stewards in their decision making process.
Should be Empty: