Death Care Professional Mental Health Survey
Exploring the impact of emotional labour on Last Responders!
You are a:
Funeral Director
Cremation Worker
Cemetery Worker
After Care
Support Staff
Removal Staff
Funeral Services Education Student
Funeral Services Educator
Death Doula
Funeral/Memorial Celebrant
Province in which you work:
British Columbia
Prince Edward Island
Nova Scotia
North West Territories
New Brunswick
Outside Canada (International)
If outside Canada, please let us know your State/Region
Non Binary
Prefer not to say
How long have you worked in the death care profession?
Do you think mental health is impacted by working within the death care/bereavement care profession?
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The term funeral professional is meant to include all practices related to death care. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statements:
Strongly Disagree
Totally Agree
I have adequate access to mental health support through benefits, insurance, agencies, etc.
My mental health provider understands the unique working culture of funeral service professionals.
If I experience a mental health emergency related to my job, I know what to do and who to contact.
My family members have access to mental health supports in addition to those supports I can access.
I am aware that my job may impact those closest to me.
I understand the role of FPPS and what they offer to funeral professionals.
Mental health can affect funeral professionals as a result of the work they do.
My therapist (if applicable) knows how my work impacts mental health and regularly screens me to ensure impacts are decreased.
I feel I have a good relationship with death and dying.
I am aware that working with and around death can cause trauma.
The risks of emotional labor are just as real as physical labor within the last responder community.
My employer is aware and helps employees cope with emotional risks within our occupational tasks.
There are days where I feel depressed, downhearted and blue, lethargic or unmotivated.
I have a hard time trusting people.
I have unpleasant dreams at night,
I have a negative views about myself.
My personal relationships (partner, family, friends) have often been impacted as a result of my work.
I don't really know how to "self care!"
I have a good understanding of my emotions and how to cope with them.
There is at least one family, call or deceased I think about.
I don't think mental health matters as a funeral director/death care professional
I feel burnt out with my work
I use peer support services like FPPS
Please indicate how strongly you agree with the following needs and organizational developments of FPPS:
Strongly Disagree
Totally Agree
FPPS should offer free learning on mental health topics.
FPPS should provide a list of mental health professionals who can provide mental health treatment specific for funeral professionals.
FPPS should develop a compassion fund to assist those who require emergency mental health services related to their job.
FPPS should provide funeral service peer support training to more local funeral professionals.
FPPS should provide advocacy work to regulatory and provincial and state associations for awareness of mental health challenges among funeral professionals.
FPPS should assist with job related emergencies that affect mental health and wellness.
FPPS should initiate more research led activities such as this survey.
Please answer yes, no or maybe:
I am interested in learning more about how mental health affects funeral professionals.
I want to access free psychoeducational material on mental health matters related to my job.
Peer Support is helpful.
I would like to provide feedback or comments related to this survey:
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