In order to be considered as a Foster Carer you must:
- Be 18 years of age or older
- Have identification showing your home address
- Have the knowledge and consent of your landlord (if applicable)
- Be willing and able to provide a loving, safe and nurturing environment for this animal
- Be willing and able to attend any necessary medical appointments for this animal as booked by Healing Angels Animal Rescue
- Be willing and able to host any meet and greet applicant/s at your home and/or via Video Conference on your Mobile/Facebook for this animal as required by Healing Angels Animal Rescue
Foster Care of an animal is a serious responsibility. The policy of our rescue is to ensure that each person who fosters an animal is aware of the responsibility, and is capable and willing to accept that committment.
Please be sure to ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS and feel free to add your own comments.
If a question does not apply please state N/A.