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What does the word "compliant" mean, as used in the book?
Resistant to authority.
Following rules or orders without questioning
Creative and independent.
Always seeking attention.
How does Rye feel about Leonard Hawke’s speeches?
He believes that some of Hawke’s ideas make sense..
He admires Hawke’s ability to control people.
He views them as lies designed to brainwash people..
He thinks they should be studied in history class.
What does Rye give Sia as a birthday present?
A small mesh bag for gathering herbs and a poetry book.
A makeshift weapon to protect herself
A coded message from Mr. Cramer.
A list of other suspected Sparks.
What does Rye notice about the Regulators
They are beginning to act more human.
They can now speak like humans.
They have started carrying weapons
They are scanning people’s DNA for Sparks.
Why is Rye considered a Spark?
He was chosen by Hawke to become a leader
He is one of the few people unaffected by the Mist
He has cybernetic enhancements
He can read minds
What does Leonard Hawke represent in this society?
A revolutionary figure trying to protect people
A Scientist trying to cure Sparks
A revolutionary figure trying to protect peopled
A neutral figure who enforces balance
Why does Rye describe feeling fear as a good thing?
He likes being scared.
The fear keeps him awake and alert.
The Regulators will leave him alone.
It shows he still has emotions unlike the Compliant
What does the UDC stand for?
Unified Dominion Council.
Ultimate Directive Command.
Unity Directive Counsel
Universal Defense Coalition
What does Rye compare the Compliants’ movements in the school to?
Marching soldiers,
Ants on autopilot.
Robots in sync.
Where do Sia and Rye meet to talk in private?
The fort in the woods,
Rye's house.
The cafeteria.
The store.
Where to the Sparks get supplies before they decide to leave school and run away?
The grocery store.
The Cafeteria at school.
Sia's house.
They don't get any supplies.
Where are Sparks who are caught sent to be held prisoner?
Camp Irving. .
The Dominion.
UDC Camp.
subThere is no place to keep them.
Should be Empty: