Easter Plants
During the month of March, you may order your Easter plant to decorate our sanctuary on Easter Sunday. You may purchase a 6" potted Easter Lily, Tulip, or Daffodil for $15 each. Deadline to order is March 30. Please start thinking about your order and your memorial message.
Contact Carol Chaffee with questions, galchaffee@gmail.com.
The Congregational & Spiritual Engagement Team
Deadline to order is March 30th.
- Please fill out the form below to make your requests and who you would like to honor, and press "submit".
- Mail your check to the church (payable to "CSCC"), or drop it off at the office, and write "Easter plants" at the bottom, or drop it in the Sunday collection plate no later than March 30.
- or... you can pay via the link on the "thank you" page that appears after you press 'submit' below.
- or... you can pay via the "Pay for your Easter Plant" button on the church website giving page, www.csccucc.org/giving.
- or... you can Venmo the amount you owe to @cscc-ucc, with the notation "easter plants"
- You may also order in person following Sunday worship on March 2, 9, 16, 23, or 30.
- All requests must be in by Sunday, March 30th.