I, (We) {name}, am the owner or the person in charge of the real estate located at {address5}, and I (we) hereby agree that, prior to Randolph Communications commencing to perform work or services on my real estate, I (we) will meet with a representative of Randolph Communications for the purpose of locating and identifying any utility equipment, structures, or devices or any other equipment, structures, or devices in order to avoid Randolph Communications’ accidental damage to or destruction of any equipment, structures, or devices. I (we) further agree that in the event damage or destruction to any equipment, structures, or devices occurs to any equipment, structures, or devices which I (we) have failed to locate and/or identify and which were not otherwise clearly apparent, that I (we) will hold Randolph Communications, its employees, and agents harmless and free from liability for any damage and/or destruction it may cause in that event.