District Pine Derby - Saturday, March 29, 2025
Concord Scout House, 74 Walden St, Concord, MA
Check-in and Race Day
Friday March 28th
6:30PM TO 8:30PM
A representative from each unit will collect the
cars from their Unit and deliver them for checkin
for our District race! All cars must pass the
District Rules.
No cars will be allowed to race if not registered by March 25th and checked in on the 28th.
Saturday March 29th
This will be both a live and virtual event. Only
show for your time slot.
Start Times:
Lions - 9:00
Tigers - 10:00
Wolves - 11:00
Bears - 12:00
Webelos - 1:00
AOL - 2:00
Any questions, contact Gail Tenney - gtenney@flintlockscouting.org