If you are a registered competitor, vendor, performer, super volunteer or clan booth organizer for the 2025 Skagit Valley Highland Games, you may choose to camp on-site at the Skagit County Fairgrounds. Please note that there are restrictions as to when vehicles can enter and exit the grounds throughout the weekend, and plan accordingly.
Camping is available for the nights of:
- Thursday, July 10th
- Friday, July 11th
- Saturday, July 12th
- Sunday, July 13th
There are limited camping spaces available, so please register early!
Camping Options
Up to four people may sleep at one campsite. All sites are 46'x14'. There are very limited hook-up spots available, so please register early.
- Dry Camping (room for one vehicle, no hook-up) - $22 per night
- Camping with 20amp or 30amp Hook-Ups, shared water - $37 per night
On Saturday and Sunday, vehicles in the camping area must remain in-place during the hours of 8am-6pm.
Thursday - Campers can arrive for their reservation (and vehicles can come and go) between noon and 9pm.
Friday - Campers can arrive for their reservation (and vehicles can come and go) between noon and 9pm.
Saturday - Campers can arrive for their reservation (and vehicles can come and go) between 7am and 8am only. Vehicles must stay in place betwen 8am and 6pm. Vehicles can then come and go again between 6pm and 9pm.
Sunday - Campers can arrive for their reservation (and vehicles can come and go) between 7am and 8am only. Vehicles must stay in place betwen 8am and 6pm. Vehicles can then come and go again between 6pm and 9pm.
If you have someone camping or entering the grounds with you who is not a registered competitor, vendor, performer, super volunteer or clan booth organizer, please make sure they have a ticket on the Highland Games website to be able to enter the grounds with you.
Code of Conduct for Camping at the Skagit Valley Highland Games
1. The possession and/or use of alcoholic beverages or drugs, other than prescribed medication, are prohibited.
2. Smoking on Fairgrounds property at any location is prohibited.
3. Persons under 18 years of age MUST have an adult chaperone.
4. Fire lanes must be kept open. Any vehicles in violation will be towed at the owner’s expense.
5. Obscene and discriminatory language, disrespect of Highland Games staff, volunteers, other campers, exhibitors, vendors, contractors, etc., will result in immediate dismissal from the fairgrounds and forfeiture of premiums.
6. Damage to, or destruction of, property belonging to others is strictly prohibited. This includes tampering with or disconnecting water or electrical services from another campsite and may result in additional charges and/or immediate ejection and forfeiture of premiums.
8. Quiet hours 10PM to 6AM
9. All Campers must comply with Title 9 Chapter 9.41 & 9.42 governs Skagit County Parks. These rules and regulations are strictly enforced.