You are NOT required to upload images to enter this show. However, submitting images is always recommended. Entering online does not guarantee your images will be used in publicity, as that is dependent upon the number of images received, digital quality and media limitations.
Maximum upload size is 5MB per photo. If you exceed the maximum file size your entry may not go through.
The name of the digital photo file should include your last name followed by the title of the artwork. For example, if your name is "Maria Rivera" and the title of your artwork is "Beautiful Artwork" the file name should be RiveraBeautifulArtwork.jpg.
NOTE : if uploading from mobile device, no need to name the image, just add it in order of entry submission.
NOTE : all submitted images are approved by the artist to be posted on social media whole or cropped for publicity purposes by the EPAA with credit given to the artist.
NOTE : the artist retains all copyrights to their images without exception and may add watermark if desired.
Any questions? Please call the EPAA'S Crossland Gallery (915)534-7377
Thank you!