Entry fee must accompany entry blank and be paid in full to be entered - NO EXCEPTIONS! No entries will be refunded unless the event is cancelled. I agree to release and hold harmless the Stony Creek Horsemen's Association and any or all persons connected with the Stony Creek Horsemen's Association from losses, damages, or injury to me, my equipment, and/or any animals resulting from attending and/or participating at the Stonyford Rodeo on May 2nd, May 3rd, and May 4th, 2025
For the Amateur Bull Riding you may not be a PRCA card holding member.
Entries Close April 28th, 2025
TEAM ROPERS: Teams will rope once and top 10 Teams with a score will come back for sudden death. USTRC-World Series numbers apply. Do not need a current card to rope.
Stony Creek Horsemen's have the right to refuse any entry form.
Each Contestant furnishes his/her own rigging.
Contestants are allowed to enter one time per event except Team Roping, person can enter twice
CHECK-IN TIME: Saturday & Sunday 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Payouts and buckles will be handed out at the rodeo office Sunday after the amateur events are completed
RODEO START TIMES: Friday 7:00 PM, Saturday 1:00 PM, Sunday 12:00 PM