Preschool Deputy Leader Vacancy
Applications are invited for Preschool Deputy Leader in High Kirk Community Preschool.
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Contact Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Your qualifications
To include Level (e.g. GCSE/Degree) / Subject or name of course / Grade attained
Your membership of Professional bodies
To include Name of professional body / Grade of membership
Your employment history
List your previous employers in reverse order, starting with your current or last employer. To include Employer’s name and address, dates of employment, job title and main duties, final salary and reason for leaving.
Explain how you satisfy the essential and desirable job criteria for this post in the order listed in the personnel specification. There is a section for the essential criteria and a section for the desirable criteria. Please answer both.
How do you meet the essential criteria for this post?
How do you meet the desirable criteria for this post?
List the names and contact details of two persons who are willing to provide references for you. They should be persons who know you (but who are not members of your family) and who are qualified to give an opinion about how you are suitable for this post. Please note that we will not contact your current employer for a reference unless and until we are prepared to offer the post to you.
Your References
Referee 1
Referee 2
Relationship to you
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Please inform us about any special arrangements or adjustments which you may need us to put in place for you if we invite you to interview. This will help us to help you. If, instead, you would prefer to discuss this with us, please telephone the Church Office Tel: 02825 644 834 as soon as possible.
High Kirk CommunityPreschool will carry out a AccessNI Enhanced Disclosure check appropriate for thepost you are applying for. Checks will only be carried out on candidates to whom we make an offer of employment, and that offer is subject to the criminal records check. If the post is in an area of regulated activity, you should be aware that it is a criminal offence to apply if you are on the Barred List.
Please confirm that you are eligible to work in regulated activity
If you are eligible but you have other criminal convictions, then it is High Kirk Community Preschool policy to take a risk-based approach leading to a final decision on whether the offer of employment can stand. We will consider issues such as the nature of the offences, their relevance to the post, the pattern of offending and the time elapsed, etc. We may want to discuss this with you before reaching a final decision.Please be aware that although we do not ask candidates to reveal any criminal convictions, you should consider if the convictions have any relevance to any part of the form before signing the declaration below.
I declare that the information I give here is correct. I understand that I risk having a job offer revoked or my employment terminated if it is later discovered that I deliberately gave false information here with the intention of deceiving you.
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