Metro Fire's FIRE CAMP is JUNE 17-20, 2025
For kids ages 11-13
You will be notified by EMAIL the week of April 30 as to whether your child was accepted, put on a waiting list, or denied this year.
If your child is selected to attend, we will be holding a MANDATORY orientation meeting on Tuesday, May 13, 2025 from 7:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. to give you further information about FIRE CAMP. The mandatory meeting will take place at Fire Station 21, located at 7641 Greenback Lane, Citrus Heights, 95610. In order for your child to attend camp, you must attend the orientation meeting, so please put May 13 and the dates of FIRE CAMP (June 17-20) in your calendar now.
- In order to offer this program to as many children as possible, if you have previously attended FIRE CAMP, please do not apply again as we are only accepting first time campers.
- Campers who reside outside of Metro Fire's jurisdiction may apply, but campers who live within Metro Fire's jurisdiction will be prioritized.
Fire Camp Interest List closes April 15, 2024, or sooner if interest is significantly high.
If you have any questions, or want to sponsor, please email firecamp@metrofire.ca.gov