Thank you for your interest in joining DUG's SPOT Program!
Participating in the Special Projects and Opportunities Team (SPOT) allows you to contribute to DUG's Programs on a deeper level throughout the growing season. You will have the opportunity to contribute your special skills, receive education and training to enrich your knowledge, volunteer alongside a cohort of other SPOT members, and build relationships across Denver Metro.
Commitment and Expectations for SPOT:
- Attend at least two volunteer opportunities a month from March to November. Timing of volunteer events will vary by project. The DUG team will do our best to work with you on a schedule that works with your availability.
- Collaboration with the community at your project site, with DUG staff, and with the rest of SPOT
- Follow-through when you sign up for a volunteer shift and communicate when you are no longer able to attend. Life happens; just let us know so we can plan accordingly!
Previous experience is welcome, but not required! We are looking for volunteers with an interest in:
Please reach out to Eve Zook at with any questions.