Supporting Students in 2025
The many changes brought about by the Trump administration, and additional anticipated changes, has brought uncertainty to higher ed institutions and to many individual students. Stripping DEI language and support centers for students with different identities is making students feel disrespected and leaving them without communities of support. Students may be worried about having enough financial aid to stay in school, or about programs impacted by research grant cuts. Those intending to pursue careers in federal civil service are seeing internship opportunities disappearing and may fear there will be no future hiring. Students anticipating spring 2025 graduation are seeing headlines about a recession and negative hiring reports. Undocumented students fear deportation. Tell us about what you, individually, or your department or institution, are doing to support students through these turbulent times.
Thank you for sending your idea for consideration.
Please provide the following information. Ideas submitted with full, quotable explanations are more likely to be selected for publication.
What best describes your role/job function? You may select more than one response.
Academic advising/support
Financial aid/bursar
Career services
Academic leadership
Counseling department leader
Your name and job title
Institution name
If we use your submission, may we attribute to you or must your identity be protected? Typically we require source attribution but if there are concerns we promise to either maintain your anonymity or use your thoughts only as background.
Yes, you may use my submission in full in or part with attribution (name, title, institution)
No, you may only use my submission if I am identified by job function and institution type/state
No, you may only use my submission as background
My answer depends on how my submission is used (ex., as a full article or as one of many examples in a roundup article) - please contact me
Your email and phone
Your personal or department web page
Describe the struggles that a student or group of students is having due to changes made since Inauguration Day, or changes that may be to come. (Include as much detail as possible without revealing any individual student's identity.) How did you become aware of these struggles?
Tell us what you have done, in conversation with a student or students, or by taking action of some sort (including actions your department or institution may have taken or are implementing) to provide support. Please be specific.
What indications do you have that your support was helpful to the student or students? Have you shifted your approach at all, or do you plan to, when a similar concern comes up?
Can you offer any advice to your peers within higher ed about supporting students who are struggling right now due to the recent events and actions?
Is there any other information or perspective you'd like us to consider?
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