Remember, to be eligible for financial assistance, all applicants must agree to the following criteria:
Makerspace facilities receiving Financial or Technical Assistance through the Program must be open and accessible to the general public. Makerspaces that serve a specific K-12 school, university, or otherwise pre-defined community are ineligible unless they also devote at least 50% of their operating hours to public programming or services.
Entities receiving Financial Assistance must provide matching funds or in-kind contributions for their project at least equal to the amount of the award (e.g., a minimum of a 1:1 match). “In Kind Contributions” include real costs incurred by the applicant Makerspace directly for the proposed project and will be reviewed and approved by TEDCO as part of the application review process.
Entities receiving Financial or Technical Assistance must agree to provide six-month project status reports for the duration of the funded project.
Entities receiving Financial or Technical Assistance must participate in quarterly meetings of statewide Makerspaces (the “Maryland Makerspace Network”) to discuss the following:
- developing data collection and sharing standards for Makerspace usage and economic impact data that can be provided TEDCO,
- creating standards for reciprocity (shared access) to members of other Maryland Makerspace Network participants,
- defining standards for safety and other operational best practices,
- considering a more formal establishment of a member-driven association of Makerspaces for Maryland,
- considering the creation of a co-op to help reduce insurance costs and increase purchasing power, and
- other matters that are relevant to a network of Makerspaces in Maryland.
The deadline for submitting this application is Wednesday, May 15th, 2025 at 5pm ET. Finalists will contacted in June 2025 for follow-up interviews and awardees will be announced in July 2025.
If you have questions regarding this form or program, please email and All answers will be posted on our Q&A page at: