Absentee Form
Because your attendance is required at Convention (MNSD Bylaw 2.20.6), all full or part-time absences require a valid excuse. If you cannot attend, complete this form. Please understand that since all congregations are responsible together for the ministry of the District, congregations are responsible for the registration fees. Please submit the $270 (Ordained) $135 (Commissioned) registration fee online as part of the Convention Registration or by check. Please make the check payable to: MNS District and send to MNS District, Attn: Convention, 14301 Grand Avenue, Burnsville, MN 55306.
The undersigned desires to be excused from the 2025 MNS District Convention for his (check one that applies):
Late Arrival
Part-Time Absence
Departure Before Close
REASON (please explain:
Commissioned Minister Name
First Name
Last Name
Congregation Name
Should be Empty: