1. 本人/本機構確認消費者委員會(「消委會」)是「第 25 屆消費權益新聞報道獎」(「報道獎活動」)的主辦機構。本人/本機構在此處提交參賽表格及參賽作品(「參賽作品」),視為本人/本機構及各參賽者同意接受參賽規則約束。
2. 本人/本機構確認表格所收集的資料將用於處理有關參賽申請、核實參賽作品、提交的資料和記錄、促成舉辦「第25屆消費權益新聞報道獎」活動、評選獲獎者、並就與活動有關的事宜與本人/本機構及參賽者聯絡(例如結果通知),以及與頒獎禮相關之製作,包括但不限於獎座、證書、得獎作品展板、得獎作品名單片段或新聞稿等。
3. 通過提交參賽作品(不論文章、視頻、音頻、照片、數碼報道或其他類型),本人/本機構授權消委會免費及隨時使用、複製、出版或改編參賽作品、公開重播、播放、放映、展示該等作品及向公眾分發、提供或發放該等作品之複製品(不論是完整或裁剪或以印刷或數碼媒體)作任何與消委會法定職能有關的用途(包括推廣、展覽、 宣傳、消費者教育用途),無論獲獎與否。
4. 本人/本機構在此聲明並保證:
(1) 所有參賽作品均為原創,不侵犯第三方權利或權益(包括版權和其他知識產權)(「第三方權利」),及不受任何第三方申索和產權負擔。
(2) 如在創作參賽作品過程中涉及任何第三方權利,我已從相關方(包括參賽者、我的僱主、提名人或主事人,如適用)獲得所有必要的特許、授權、許可或權利以提交參賽作品,及讓消委會處理參賽作品(如以上所述)。
(3) 參賽作品不具誹謗性、並符合香港特別行政區的法律及符合參賽規則的要求。
(4) 如違反上述任何保證,或因第三方權利聲稱受到侵犯而對消委會提出索賠或訴訟,本人/本機構將全額彌償消委會(包括其成員及僱員)可能產生或遭受的任何和所有索賠、責任、損失、損害、及成本和費用(包括法律費用)。
1. I/We acknowledge that the Consumer Council (the “Council”) is the organiser of The 25th Consumer Rights Reporting Awards (the “Event”). By submitting the entry form and entry(ies) herein (the “Entries”), I/we and each contestant agree that participation in the Event is subject to the rules and regulations.
2. I/We acknowledge that the data collected on this entry form will be used for the purposes of processing the application, verifying the entries, information and records submitted, facilitating the conduct of "The 25th Consumer Rights Reporting Awards" event, selecting the award winners and communicating with me/us on matters relating to the event (such as notification of the results), as well as for production of ceremony-related materials, including but not limited to trophies, certificates, exhibition panels, awards list videos and press materials, etc.
3. By submitting the Entries (whether they be articles, videos, audios, photos, digital reporting or otherwise), I/we grant the Council free of all charges the rights to use, copy, publish, adapt or reproduce the Entries, to broadcast, play, show or display the same in public and to distribute, make available or issue copies thereof to the public (in full or cropped, in printed or digital media) at any time, whether or not they are winning entries, for any purpose related to the Council’s statutory functions (including promotion, exhibition, publicity and consumer education).
4. I/We hereby declare and warrant that:
(1) All Entries are original, do not infringe third party rights or interests (including copyright and other intellectual property rights) (“Third Party Rights”) and are free from any third-party claims and encumbrances.
(2) If any Third Party Rights subsist in or were utilized in the creation of the Entries, I/we have obtained all prior necessary licenses, permissions or rights from the relevant parties (including the contestants, my/our employer, nominator or principal, where applicable) to submit the same in the Event and for the Council to deal with the Entries as stated above.
(3) The Entries are non-defamatory, and compliant with the laws of Hong Kong SAR and the requirements of the rules and regulations of the Event.
(4) In case of any breach of the above warranties, or a claim or action is brought against the Council alleging infringement of Third Party Rights, I/we shall fully indemnify the Council (including its members and staff) against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including legal expenses) that the Council may incur or suffer.