Request for CPP Prep Class
Presented by Steve Kozak
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Name of Organization
What is your role with the organization?
When would you like this class to take place? (Please provide a specific date if required, or provide a range of date options you are looking for.)
How much time are you willing to provide for this class?
6.5 hours
Two days
Three days
Four days
How many attendees would you estimate participating in this class?
More than 25
Would you like attendees to earn a PPA merit for attending?
This class would be
Stand alone workshop
Affiliated with a convention or school
A private study organized by an individual
Other (Please explain below)
Additional Details
Do you have a venue in mind for this class?
Hotel/Event Center Meeting Room
Individual's Studio
Private Venue
Online Class via Zoom
We do not have a venue
What financial arrangements do you have in mind?
Our organization would like to keep a portion of the registration fees
Our organization would not require a portion of the registration fees
Our organization would pay a flat fee
Our organization could provide Travel Expenses
Our organization would not provide Travel Expenses
Please list any other comments, questions or concerns.
Should be Empty: