Booth Details
Booths start as empty floor space and are available in 10x10 spaces. Vendors may occupy more than one space.
Booths are priced in 2 categories: Inline - $180, Corner - $230. Availability for Corner spaces are on a first-come/first-served basis.
Prices include 1 table, 2 chairs and insurance.
Additional tables and chairs are available for an additional cost. Please email superiorfanfest@gmail.com to reserve.
Vendor Badges
Vendor Badges include admission to all 3 days, the VIP Events and in/out privileges via respective vendor entrances.
Each booth will receive 2 badges.
Vendor Hours
Friday August 22nd - Vendors may begin the load-in process at 8 am. All booths must be sales ready by 3 pm. VIP Ticket Holders will be admitted at 3 pm. Regular Sales Hours will be 4 pm to 8 pm with a VIP event to take place at 9 pm.
Saturday August 23rd - VIP Ticket Holders will be admitted at 9 am. Regular Sales Hours will be 10 am to 6 pm with UPW Pro Wrestling at 7 pm and a VIP event to take place at 10 pm. This will be the official “After Party” of YooperCon.
Sunday August 24th - VIP Ticket Holders will be admitted at 9 am. Regular Sales Hours will be 10 am to 4 pm.
***Load-in/Load-Out instructions will be provided 30-day prior to the event along with a copy of the map/floor plan.
Important Information
If you have to back-out for any reason, there will be a $50 fee assessed to your refund. No refunds will be given within 30-days of the event.
Maximum height of your booth space is 12 feet unless otherwise agreed upon by event management, in which case a wall location would need to be assigned.
You are required to occupy your booth for the entire duration of the event. Event staff will be on-hand to assist as booth sitters for bathroom/meal breaks upon request. Booth sitters will not be permitted to handle transactions. They will simply pass out any promotional material (business cards, brochures, etc.) and let your potential clients know that you will return shortly.
Booth sharing is not permitted. Booths are non-transferable and non-resalable.
Vendors are responsible for collecting sales tax and must report total sales to Superior Fan Fest at the conclusion of the event as we must report them to the State of Michigan.
This event will be insured by Superior Fan Fest. The cost is included in your booth fee.