City of Mount Pleasant Special Event Application This application must be filled out completely and submitted to be considered for possible permit. Any person or organization desiring to conduct a mass gathering of 250 or more people must submit a Comprehensive General Liability Insurance Policy, or its equivalent, written on an occurrence basis (or yearly basis), with a minimum of one (1) million dollars ($1,000,000.00) combine single limit of liability per occurrence for bodily insurance, personal injury, and property damage is required. Insurance coverage must include all areas used by the event including any/all assembly areas, routes, disbanding areas and event location(s).
Any person or organization desiring to conduct a special event (parade, fair, foot race, 5K, bicycle race, or other activity) affecting the ordinary use of the city streets, rights-of-way, sidewalks, or other infrastructure must apply for a permit authorizing the activity. The application must be received at City Hall at least thirty (30) days before the scheduled event and must be approved by the City Manager. Please refer to City Ordinance 2014-1014.