This Code of Conduct applies to all vendors, their workers, agents, guests, volunteers, family or anyone assisting a vendor in any manner.
1. Practice patience and understanding to customers, other vendors and Market staff.
2. Treat customers with courtesy, respect and honesty
3. Assist other vendors whenever possible
4. Treat other vendors and their property with respect and understanding
5. Treat Market staff and volunteers with respect and understanding
6. Notify Market staff immediately of any unsafe conditions
7. Resolve conflicts in an unobtrusive manner
8. Do not use or condone profanity or vulgarity towards any other person, either by actions or in any language.
9. No smoking is permitted on Market grounds
10. Vendor's children are their responsibility and must be under adult supervision at all times
11. No vendor may be under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol while participating at the market; or use prescription or over-the-counter drugs that impair their ability to operate their booth in a safe
12. Concerns regarding another vendor's origin of product or business practice must be expressed to the Market Managers
ONLY. Comments made to customers or other vendors will not be tolerated.
13. I will not leave the market early without informing the Market Managers or market
14. If not attending for a scheduled week I will make every effort to advise the Market Managers 48 - 72 hours in advance
15. I will leave my market space clean before I leave the market. Cardboard boxes left behind for recycling will be broken down and placed in the designated recyclable receptacles.