School Field Trip Request Form
Once submitted, someone will be in touch with you within 2 business days. Thank you!
What field trip are you requesting?
Senior Adult Strawberry Tour
Peach summer Field Trip
Type of group
Senior adult group
After school club
Group name
Contact phone
Group Coordinator
Contact cell phone
Contact email address
Ages of participants
# of particpants (*minimum of 20 paying participants for peach field trip)
# of chaperones or aids
Preferred start time
9:00 AM- senior groups
10:00 AM- senior groups
11:00 AM- senior groups
9:30 AM - peach tour
11:00 AM- peach tour
I prefer an afternoon time slot
Top 3 date choices
Will you be using our picnic area?
Is this your group's first visit to Strawberry Hill?
Yes, we have visited before.
No, this is our first time.
Any student / teacher allergies we should be aware of?
PAYMENT: There is a 3.99% processing fee on all debit/credit cards used. We want to make sure all organizations are aware of this charge before their field trip. We highly suggest paying with a school check (or cash) to avoid this fee. Please type your name stating that you have read our card processing fee statement.
your name
Additional questions or comments:
Should be Empty: