2025 Carson Stoffel Grant Application
The Carson Stoffel Benefit Race is an annual BMX event held in memory of Carson Stoffel, bringing together the BMX community to honor his legacy and support charitable causes. Over the years, various BMX tracks across the United States have hosted this event. These events not only celebrate Carson's passion for BMX but also strengthen community bonds and support charitable initiatives. Proceeds from the race will be directed to the USA BMX Foundation. From there, the funds will be block granted back to local BMX tracks to support safety and first aid programs. This initiative not only honors Carson’s legacy but also enhances track safety, providing resources for medical preparedness and injury prevention. It’s a meaningful way to give back to the BMX community while promoting a safer environment for all riders.
Contact Information
Track Name
Contact Person
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
E-Mail Address
Do you have a current safety plan? If so, describe the plan.
What safety/training/equipment would you like funding for?
Provide local hospital or medical center Address/Phone Number.
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