The manufacturers list is used to compile a directory of manufacturers for the projects published in the Architectural Portfolio issue as a valuable resource for our readers.
Please list products by NATIONAL MANUFACTURERS that were selected for this project. (Do not include local or regional manufacturers.)
It is only necessary to include the product categories applicable to your project and your chosen entry category. In case of multiple vendors for a particular category, list all separated with commas.
The manufacturers list is not required for Work in Progress projects.
Landscape Architecture/Campus Master Planning/Signage/Wayfinding projects complete only the category at the end of the form.
Note that the Manufacturers List can be either submitted with your online portfolio or can be submitted separately, by Friday, September 5.
To save your form and continue later, you will need to click the "Save" button at the bottom of the form. A box will appear that asks you to save your progress with Google, Facebook, or Create An Account. OR you can click the "Skip Create An Account" choice at the bottom, which will bring up a new box that allows you to input an email address where an email with the link to return to your form will be sent. Note that the form stores information for up to three months. If submitting multiple entries, please complete and submit your first project, then return to to begin the process for each additional project and enter the new information for the next submission.
If you have additional questions, please contact Heather Buzzard at