Disclosure This transaction requires your purchasing title insurance. Our term sheet names our preferred vendor title insurance agents, including our affiliate Atlantis National Services, Inc. (Atlantis New York insurance law requires the following disclosures with referrals between affiliates: 1.We do not require using Atlantis. You may comparison shop for the best title services and rates. 2.We and Atlantis have some common ownership and management. 3.We receive no financial or other benefit from this referral, from Atlantis or anyone else. 4.We neither receive compensation or other value related to the amount of title business we refer to Atlantis, nor are required to refer Atlantis a specified title business volume. 5.We receive no payment or other compensation that violate Insurance Law $$2324 or 6409 or RESPA. 6.Any benefit we receive from this referral is indirect and relates solely to our common ownership. 7.Atlantis generates non-affiliated business from multiple sources in over 30 states.