Animal Foster Application
The Rescue Connection27254 560th Ave, Austin, MN 55912(507) 383-5631Thank you for your interest in becoming a foster parent! As such, you will be providing a temporary home for kittens, puppies, dogs, cats, or other animals in need as specified in your application. The devotion and care given during this time allows the animal a second chanceto be adopted by a loving family. The rewards of being a foster parent are many. They include offering an animal a second chance and the added benefit of receiving the love and attention right back from the animal you nurture.
Today's Date:
Full Name:
First & Last
Street Address:
Home Phone#:
Cell Phone#:
Email Address:
How many people live in your household?
How many are children?
What are their ages?
List Name & Age
Does everybody support your participation in the foster program?
Are any members of your household allergic to animals?
If 'Yes', please explain further:
Are any members of your household afraid of animals?
If 'Yes', please explain:
Personal References
Please use this area to list two personal references (who are not family members) who are familiar with your animal experience.<br /> <br />Please let these people know that a representative of The Rescue Connection will be contacting them.
Reference #1 Name:
Ref #1 Relationship:
Organization (if any):
Ref #1 Phone:
Reference #2 Name:
Ref #2 Relationship:
Organization (if any):
Ref #2 Phone:
Please describe your past and present volunteer experience:
Why do you want to be involved in the Foster Program?
Please list any animals currently living in your home:
List all Name, Age & Breed
Are all of these animals fully vaccinated?
If 'No', please explain:
Are all of these animals spayed/neutered?
If 'No', please explain:
Please list any health issues your animals may be experiencing:
Please describe the area in your home where your foster animal will be kept:
Do you have an area where the foster animal can be isolated from your own pets if necessary?
If 'Yes', please describe the area:
How many hours per day will foster animal be left alone?
Do you have access to a car for transportation of the foster animal to and from the rescue or vet?
Please indicate which animals(s) you would be most interested in fostering: (check all that apply)
Adult Dogs
Orphaned Puppies
Adult Cats
Orphaned Kittens
Nursing Mother Dog w/ Puppies
Nursing Mother Cat w/ Kittens
Mildly sick/injured animals; (needs recuperation time in a less stressful environment
Other - please indicate below
If 'Other', please explain:
Please indicate the amount of time you can commit to fostering animal(s).
2 Weeks
4 Weeks
6 Weeks
More than 6 Weeks
Would like to foster on a Regular Basis
Would you be interested in fostering an animal on a long term basis?
The Rescue Connection Foster Policy
All foster applications require approval from the rescue supervisor, and may include a home inspection by an officer from The Rescue Connection. Foster animals shall be examined by a veterinary technician or rescue officer prior to placement in the foster home, and the expected date of return documented on the animal record. The fostering parent shall be given a list of supplies needed prior to taking the animal(s) home and given specific instruction for the care of the animal. All approved costs incurred in the feeding and housing of the animal(s) during the fostering period shall be the responsibility of The Rescue Connection. Medical care administered by The Rescue Connection’s veterinary technician. All other (outside) veterinary cost shall be the responsibility of the foster parent. Fostered animals are the property of The Rescue Connection, and must be returned to the rescue at the designated time for final disposition. No animal shall be kept by a foster parent or given to another individual without going through the normal adoption process. Foster parents shall have first choice to adopt any fostered animal providing they are within their zoning limits. Foster parents electing to adopt an animal in their care shall pay all applicable fees associated with a normal adoption. Foster animals must be surrendered to the rescue or may be taken into custody by an officer of The Rescue Connection if the foster parent fails to comply with the terms of this policy. Any loss or death of a fostered animal must be reported immediately to The Rescue Connection
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