SBA Special Project Application Form
Application Deadlines: September 15, December 15, and March 15. Please be sure to answer all required * questions
Name of Project
Name of Person Completing Application
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Contact Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Confirmation Email
Website address
Non-profit incorporation number
Charity Number
Project Information
Location of Project
Date of Project
What is the scope of the project?
Local (benefits residents of one community)
Regional (benefits residents in several communities or an identified region)
Provincial (project delivered in 2 or more regions or with province wide participation)
Project Description - Please ensure the description includes an information on how the project is community, regional or provincial in scope.
To help further the development of Band in Saskatchewan, the SBA Board of Directors has established the following End/Goal statements. Please indicate which of the SBA Ends the project being proposed will help address? Select the End that most closely aligns with the project objectives.
Individuals and communities are enhanced by the connections provided by bands
Band encourages creativity and development of new music, reflecting the diversity of Saskatchewan communities
Band is accessible to all.
Bands in Saskatchewan are committed to ongoing improvement.
How will the project contribute to or support the End identified?
Does the project directly benefit:
smaller, rural and/or northern communities?
First Nations/Metis individuals or communities?
new Canadians?
those facing barriers to participation?
If yes, please explain:
Will this project address IDEA - inclusion, diversity, equity and/or accessibility - issues in your community, region or in the province? If yes, please explain:
Does the project have community support, compliment other initiatives, involve partnerships and/or avoid duplication of services? If yes, please explain:
How many participants do you expect?
What percentage of the participants do you anticipate falling into these categories? Please enter an amount in each category. Enter 0 if it is 0
Children (up to 12)
Youth (12-18)
Young Adult (19 - 29)
Adult (20-54)
Senior (55+)
Beyond the direct project participants, how many others will the project reach? eg concert audiences
Fees charged - if any (please list)
Number of Volunteers Involved
Number of Volunteer hours
SBA Funds are limited. Please indicate the impact NOT receiving funding support would have on the project.
The project would not happen at all
The project would happen but with modifications to the project
Participant fees would be increased to cover funding gap
Project would be delayed until other funding is secured
Upload a copy of your proposed budget in excel, word, or pdf format. Please ensure your budget includes both revenue and expense information.
Upload a File
Organization holds a currents membership with the Saskatchewan Band Association
The project is open to residents of Saskatchewan
SBA LOGO, LOTTERY LOGO, & SASKCULTURE LOGO is or will be displayed on the project related communications and promotions including programs, brochures, websites etc.
Using your mouse, please sign on the line confirming all information is correct.
PLEASE NOTE: You will receive a confirmation email if your submission has been accepted
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