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Thank you for choosing us for your repair.
Our labor rate is $50.00 per hour, there is a $50 minimum charge for all robots serviced that will be applied to your total bill. Shipping cost to/from us is at your expense. We charge $50 for diagnosis when your robot was not purchased from us.
Please scrape off all loose grass prior to packing your robot. We appreciate your cooperation since it helps us keep our shop clean.
Evolution, Professional & Deluxe models: if your robot had never been sent in for the recall update, the blade guard, a new motherboard and shipping cost will be free. We will determine the status when we receive your robot and let you know.
We also require a suitable shipping box from you. That is, if we decide the box your robot came in may not get your robot back to you without shipping damage, we will replace it with a suitable box and charge $20.
Our policy is to first assess the condition of your robot, perform steps to diagnose the issue, communicate with you regarding the repair cost and then proceed with the repair after your approval to proceed. Please provide a credit card number by phone to expedite payment and return of your robot.
Shipment of your robot to us indicates your acceptance of these terms of service. We will send the shipping address upon receipt of this completed form.