Your name
First Name
Last Name
Your Email
Your Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Why do you believe the land in question is yours?
I am the title holder of record.
I have possessed the land for a period between seven and 10 years.
I have possessed the land for more than 10 years.
What is your relationship to the opposing party disputing the land?
We are unrelated neighbors.
We are related neighbors.
We are joint owners of the property.
We have a landlord/tenant relationship.
We have a government/citizen relationship.
The answers above don't adequately describe our relationship.
Have you paid taxes on the land?
Yes, each year in full during the last seven years.
Yes, each year only partially during the last seven years.
I am unsure.
What best describes the land in question?
City & Suburban
Exurban or Vacation
Forest Land
Agricultural Land
Remote and Mountainous
Is there a fence along or around the land’s boundary?
Yes. There is a full fence.
Yes. There is a partial fence.
Which of these additional facts might support adverse possession for the party that claims it?
There are recognizable markers.
The grass growing upon the disputed land is regularly mowed.
Stock is pastured upon the disputed land.
There are plants or shrubs upon the disputed land.
There are crops grown and harvested upon the disputed land.
There is a hedge or tree line on or along the disputed land.
There is a walk or roadway on or along the disputed land.
Waste or storage is placed upon the disputed land.
The disputed land has been cleared, dredged, or filled.
A fence marking the property boundary was destroyed.
The eaves of a building overextend above the disputed land.
There is a dwelling built, at least in part, upon the disputed land.
There are other indications of adverse possession not provided above.
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