If you would like to open a credit account with RNK Productions, please fill out a Credit Application completely and submit with this form. Creating a credit account will allow you to have a 30 day billing period instead of the 14 day period for non-account customers. This is recommended if you think you will be submitting orders on a continuous or semi-continuous basis.
Checks and money orders can be made payable to RNK Productions, LLC. A W-9 form will be supplied upon request from accounting.
New Applicant Agreement:
After reading the Transcription Information Packet, you understand and agree to all the terms and policiesset forth by RNK Productions. Signing below holds you and your company liable for funds due to RNK Productions for services rendered.
Should payment not be made by the due date stated on the invoice, a 3% late fee will be assessed on a weekly basis until payment is made.
By signing below, I understand and accept the above agreement and have read, understand and accept all the information provided in the Transcription Information Packet.