RELEASE:I agree to pay charges indicated above. I accept and assume full liability for any injury or loss to me or my property, agents or employees at anytime, from any cause in connection with this event. I expressly release Muscle Car and Corvette Nationals,LLC (MCACN, LLC) from any liability for such loss or injury, and agree to provide and pay for my own insurance. I agree to let MCACN, LLC sell my space, with no refunds, if I have not occupied my purchased space within ½ hour of the event's start time. I agree that I will have any belongings from my vendor/show/sale space removed from the premises within 4 hours after the show closes, after which, I agree to pay any associated costs incurred (storage fees, removal fees, etc). I also, hereby agree to allow MCACN,LLC, or its assignee's the right to use photos of me, my exhibit, my name, and any other information regarding my participation in this MCACN, LLC event, in future press releases, advertising and television, radio, magazines, newspapers, and related publications. I understand that weapons, pornographic material, or any items MCACN, LLC deems inappropriate, are not be permitted for sale or display. No food or beverage is permitted for sale. For the safety of our patrons, no vehicle may be started during the event. This includes vehicles offered for sale. No vehicle may leave their space on the floor during the event. This includes exhibitor vehicles, vehicles offered for sale, and vehicles that have been sold. I understand that a show car may not be offered For Sale unless the car sale fee has been paid. I understand that my car will not be judged if the judges suspect the vehicle has a replacement VIN tag and that I will forfeit the judging fee paid. During the event, exhibitors may only use the "Parts Pickup" door to take parts in and out of the event. Unless an emergency, no unauthorized doors may be opened during the event. No refunds 23 days prior to event. (IF EXHIBITOR IS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE, PARENT OR GUARDIAN MUST SIGN FOR EXHIBITOR). MCACN,LLC is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions on any ed material or its website.