Please be advised that Medicaid will no longer cover medications written by our physicians. Only doctors that accept Medicaid may write prescriptions for Medicaid patients.
Payment is expected in full at the time of service. New Patient Psychiatry appointments are $550 and the Medication follow up appointments are $195. Psychology appointments vary and will be communicated in a follow up email.
"Late Cancellations" and "No Show" appointments (NOT cancelled at least 24 hours in advance) CANNOT be billed to the insurance company. The responsible party will be billed in full and will be responsible for these charges. If a "Late Cancellations" or "No Show" have occurred, a credit card will be required to keep on file for future appointments.
As we specialize in children and adolescents, our practice is open to a limited number of adults that present with minimal ADHD symptoms. More complicated situations are better referred to an adult psychiatrist .