This Agreement shall commence once this agreement has been submitted and shall terminate on May 1, of the student’s senior year in high school. In the event Client wishes to terminate this Agreement prior to the termination date for any reason, except non-payment of costs, Client shall provide 30 days written notice via Registered or Certified US mail, return receipt requested, to Company. No partial or full refund of prior amounts paid under this Agreement shall be made by Company to Client if Client initiates early termination of this Agreement.
In addition to the reasons for termination of this Agreement set forth above, Company may, in its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement prior to the termination date in the event any or all of the following occurs:
a) Client fails to timely and accurately provide and/or disclose, all information requested by Company while Company is performing services under this Agreement, including but not limited to initially disclosing and keeping Company updated in a timely manner with respect to the following:
1. Student learning differences including services offered by any entity to address them, if any;
2. Any juvenile and/or criminal infraction or crime of any nature committed by Student even if the record of the infraction or crime is or will be sealed or expunged; and
3. Any disciplinary proceedings and/or disciplinary actions taken by Student’s high school administration involving or related to Student.
b) Company is unable to perform services in a reasonable manner commensurate with the applicable standard of care for such services and has verbally discussed these concerns with the Client and communicated the concerns in writing;
c) Client fails to sign and abide by the College Admission Coach Policies and Guidelines document (which must be submitted in addition to this agreement);
d) Failure of Client to pay costs when due.
Company shall provide 30 days written notice via Registered or Certified US mail, return receipt requested, to Client in the event Company wishes to terminate this Agreement prior to the termination date for reason in stated in paragraph 7a or 7b. Company may immediately terminate this Agreement prior to termination date for the reason stated in 7c and 7d. No prior notice is required.