The majority of communication will be directly between the student and CAC. Parents and/or Clients, will be included on an as needed basis in the sole judgment of CAC. Student and Parent and/or Client should reach an agreement about how and to what extent Student will include them in the college admission process.
· CAC suggests that the Student share username and login information to the shared college portal so that the Parents and/or Client may use the tool for research and to view the student’s college list and notes.
· CAC encourages Parents and/or Client to discuss college finances with Student prior to the creation of college list. Ideally this discussion will take place by winter of the Student’s junior year.
· Parents and/or Clients will be expected to "sign off" on the college list before Student begins any applications.
· Parents and/or Clients are encouraged to call or email CAC at any time regarding any college-related issue.
Application essays must be written by the student. Parents, friends, relatives school counselors and teachers may provide general feedback and commentary on student essays, but may not suggest, recommend or write any verbiage contained in any student essay, External writing coaches may be used by the student at any time to improve their writing skills. However, external writing coaches may not review, suggest, recommend, provide general or specific feedback and/or write any verbiage contained in any student application essay, Should a Parent or Client have negative feedback about any application essay please speak directly with CAC rather than the student. This prevents the student from getting conflicting information/opinions.
· CAC does not meet with Parents and/or Clients without the Student present as this potentially diminishes the Student's trust, except in rare circumstances determined by CAC.
· Should CAC have concerns about a Student’s well-being, these concerns will be shared both with the Student and Parents and/or Clients and referrals to other helping professionals may be offered.
· In the case of divorced/separated Parents, CAC may share any student information with both Parents, regardless of which Parent is paying for services. This includes the right to share all correspondence regarding the Student with either Parent. The only exception to this policy will be in case of restraining order.
· With rare exceptions, colleges do not want to communicate with Parents and/or Clients. The Student needs to self-advocate and this includes approaching college representatives with any questions or concerns. Colleges will not be sharing Student information with Parents and/or Clients, including grades and bills, unless the Student signs a release authorizing the school to do so. CAC expects communication to colleges to be generated by the Student, except in rare, agreed upon circumstances between CAC, the Student and the Parents and/or Client.