3v3uk is the UKs largest 3v3 provider of 3v3 games. Working with the FA, Premier League and Many pro clubs around the country such as Manchester United, Manchester City, Wolves, Arsenal and more. We also have 17 other UK Licenses and other international branches in Spain, France, South Africa, Norway, Germany, Canada and much more- Now we are excited to bring 3v3 UK to Boro.
Please Fill out this form to express you interest in our first launch event in December- The 3v3UK Boro Winter Cup 2024.
Venue: Eston Lesiure Centre
Normanby Road
South Bank
Times: 9am-4pm (tbc)
Age Groups: u8, u9, u10
Price: £40 per team
For any questions please contact: boro@3v3.co.uk