Visit Chicago's finest feminization, sissification, and crossdressing establishment by clicking here.
Sorry cupcake, but I do not offer same day appointments. There is a delay of up to 12 hours from the time you submit your form until the Internet gods deliver it to me, so same day appointments are impossible.
Items marked with a red asterisk are required. Thank you for your cooperation.
This form is for serious inquiries only. If you do not intend to show up for the session you are scheduling, do not use this form.
If you provide false, incomplete, or misleading information, you will be banned from Sissyville forever.
This form is encrypted. The information you provide is encrypted, before forwarding securely to my private email account. Your information is perfectly safe. After your session is scheduled, your form will be permanently deleted. Your information has no chance of falling into the wrong hands.
Will we click?
If you are mature - I am talking about attitude here, not your chronological age - and intelligent, with a respect for discreet, safe, and legal play, and you love to laugh, we will click. If you take kink too seriously, I will find you boring and pretentious. Smile! It's just kink!