By clicking SUBMIT I:
Confirm the information I have given above is true and complete. The dog will reside in my home as a lifetime companion. I will provide him/her with adequate food, water, shelter, training, affection, medical attention and regular vet visits.
Agree with Adopt-a-Pet's terms for adoption and realize that giving false statements will result in denial of adoption.
Understand submitting this form does not guarantee adoption of the dog I selected.
Agree that if, for any reason, I can no longer care for or keep the dog, I must return it directly to Adopt-a-Pet, and I will sign all necessary papers for the surrender of the dog.
Understand the information I provided is used by Adopt-a-Pet solely in evaluating my qualifications to adopt a dog and in deciding whether I am the most suitable adopter for a particular dog.
Release Adopt-a-Pet and the Internet Service provider and any and all other parties involved in developing, using and maintaining this site from any claims of liability due to release of any information contained in, or related to, my Adoption Application. I am voluntarily submitting the requested application information online at my own risk.