Volunteer Agreement
I, in consideration for being permitted to be a volunteer of Rocky Mountain Great Dane Rescue, Inc. (RMGDRI) and the benefits attendant thereto, do hereby state that I am over eighteen (18) years of age (or my parent or legal guardian is consenting to my volunteering as evidenced below), and I understand and agree as follows:
I understand there are different techniques and philosophies regarding the care and training of Great Danes. I understand that RMGDRI has set guidelines and procedures. RMGDRI encourages discussion of guidelines and procedures and invites all volunteers to discuss concerns with its Board Members. In the event that I should disagree with any RMGDRI guidelines, procedures, techniques, I agree to comply with said procedure and/or guideline providing that my personal safety is not compromised. Further, I agree that until I discuss the matter with the President or his/her designees, I will refrain from criticisms or objections (orally or in writing) to any director, officer, volunteer, member, agent, affiliate, or third party persons or entities (Agents) until such time as the matter has been discussed with the President and a resolution reached.
Subject to Paragraph 1, I agree to follow any and all RMGDRI guidelines, procedures, and techniques without deviation.
I understand that RMGDRI program Danes are adopted through the application process and that the adoption/placement process is established by the President. Further, that when two or more parties are interested in adopting an Dane, the decision is the President’s to make and said decision will be made in the best interests of the Dane and RMGDRI.
I agree not to interfere with an adoption or with the removal of a Dane from a foster or adoptive home.
If I learn of information that could potentially impact the care, health, safety or location of a Dane within RMGDRI program, whether while in foster care or after adoption, I agree to immediately and discreetly share that information with the President so that the information may considered by RMGDRI.
I understand that as a volunteer my first duty is to RMGDRI and the furtherance of its procedures, guidelines and efforts to care for and protect the welfare of the Danes coming into or in its program. If I ever feel I cannot place that obligation first in my words and actions relative to a situation, Dane, or person, I will voluntarily resign to avoid any conflict of interest or appearance of impropriety. I understand that my inability to follow such duty constitutes a conflict of interest.
I understand that I may not unilaterally accept a Dane on behalf of RMGDRI without prior express approval from the President. RMGDRI will not take responsibility, financial, custodial or otherwise for Danes accepted in violation of this provision.
I understand that the President has the authority to make decisions on behalf of RMGDRI regarding fundraising opportunities, the presentment of educational programs, to sign contracts on behalf of RMGDRI, or to speak with the media on behalf of RMGDRI. Volunteers presented with opportunities in these areas are encouraged to contact the President.
I understand that I am to follow the RMGDRI Code of Conduct attached to this Agreement and any infraction of this Code; this Agreement, or for any conduct contrary to the best interests of RMGDRI will be dealt with accordingly. In the event that I resign or am dismissed as a volunteer, I agree to fully cooperate and promptly make arrangements to return any and all Danes, cages/caging, equipment, supplies, etc. that are property of RMGDRI. I understand that a failure to do so may result in me being charged for the property’s replacement cost.
I acknowledge and agree that my activities as a volunteer will be performed strictly in an unpaid basis, without monetary compensation or other benefits, including, but not limited to workers’ compensation benefits.
I am aware of the nature of the activities to be performed by me as a volunteer and recognize that in handling Danes and performing other volunteer tasks, a risk of harm, injury, illness or disease exists, including physical harm, illness or disease caused by Danes. I agree that all volunteer activities are to be performed by me at my risk and I assume full responsibility therefore.
I consent and authorize RMGDRI to use any photographs, video, or likenesses of me for, but not limited to public relations, marketing, and for profit activities, products, or events.
I hereby certify that the information I have provided throughout this application is truthful and complete and that I have never been convicted of any criminal misdemeanor or felony in the States of Colorado, or any other U.S. State or the U.S. Military or under the jurisdiction of any Foreign Nation, State, Province, Municipality, or Military.
On behalf of myself, my heirs and personal representatives, I agree not to hold or attempt to hold RMGDRI, its Agents or employees responsible for any injury or damage sustained or incurred by me arising out of or in any way connected with my activities as a volunteer for RMGDRI and thereby release and discharge RMGDRI and its Agents or employees from any and all claims, demands, causes of action of any nature or cause, for any such injury or damage incurred or suffered by me.