Please note: The more info you provide the better the estimate we can deliver. Also, we require at least 10 days advanced notice for any cake requiring a DECOPAC (i.e. Batman Figurines, The Little Mermaid pack, etc.), 2 months for any Wedding Cake serving over 75, and 3 days for all other cakes. Special arrangements can be agreed upon, but at the sole discretion of Max's Cookie Company, Inc.
Now it's time to specify which flavors of cake you would like for each layer along with the filling you would like for each layer. You will also get to choose which frosting you would like to use on the outside of your cake. Please make note that there are additional fees for flavors of cake and use of fillings other than buttercream. Also, certain decorations/styles as well as weather may limit the choices we can offer for frosting. We will advise you accordingly.
Upload a picture of the style of cake you are after, which will be included in your message to us. An image of a cake you have found on Google or Flickr, or a picture you may have drawn yourself. The more ideas you are able to show us, the closer we can get to designing your perfect cake.