Thank you for choosing the EarthCraft Sustainable Preservation (ECSP) Certification Program to meet your project's needs for third-party verification of environmentally responsible design and construction practices. EarthCraft is a regional green building certification program, specific to projects located in the Southeast.
Before registering your project, visit the EarthCraft Sustainable Preservation webpage to learn more about the ECSP program, including program eligibility, certification costs, certification process during design and construction, and to download the complete program Technical Guidelines.
Project registration is priced on a sliding scale based on square footage per ECLC building project and is the first step in initiating certification process. Once payment is received, please allow approximately 5 business days for an ECSP representative to contact you regarding the next steps toward certification. Note, in rare cases, a project may be deemed ineligible to enter the EarthCraft Sustainable Preservation Program. In the event a project is project deemed ineligible, the registration fee will automatically be refunded to the account used for the initial payment.
Pease fill in the following information to register your project and note that required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).