The Ardoch Development Trust has funds available from the Braes of Doune and Burnfoot wind farms. This is used for community projects in the Braco and Greenloaning area within Perthshire only. Groups active in the community are invited to apply for funding; particularly encouraged are environmental and community involvement activities.
The trustees meet at approximately 6 week intervals. Although grants can be applied for at any time, those received within 5 days of the next published meeting may be deferred to the next available meeting. Under no circumstances will applications be considered that are submitted within 24 hours of the next meeting. The trustees are all volunteers and need time in advance of the meeting to consider submissions, so please plan ahead and help us to help you. The next scheduled meeting is available on this site in the ADT calendar and will also be posted on the ADT and community facebook pages.
Normally grants will be agreed in advance of any project work being undertaken and only in exceptional circumstances will retrospective funding be considered.
Please use this form to apply for funding, giving enough information in answer to each question to give us a full picture of what it is you want to do. If you are unsure at any point as to what to say (or how much), please contact the secretary at Some questions may not apply to your project, in which case simply say so. Thank you.