The information you provide will help us help you find the rabbit who best fits with you and your family. Feel free to expand on any issue or ask any questions in the Comments section at the end. We welcome your feedback and suggestions!
To be considered for adoption, this WHOLE form must be filled out. You must be 18 years or older to complete this application. If you are under 18, a parent or guardian must complete the application. Any applications that are not filled out properly will not be processed.
Please list family members and other people who live in your household, including roommates, students, etc.
Please describe the level of research you have done to date on rabbits and rabbit care:
I must have:
I don't want:
Please list all animals, including rabbits, currently in the household:
Please describe the animals, including rabbits, no longer in your household:
Have you personally ever given away any of your pets?
Please describe your new bunny's living conditions:
I hereby certify that all the information on this application is true, and I understand that false informatoin may void this application and any future applications. I also understand that failure to comply with future requirements, such as spaying or neutering, could result in my inability to adopt more animals from this organization.