Terms & Conditions By submitting this porting application you understand and agree to the following terms: 1. Webvault provides no guarantee that it can port your telephone number from your current service provider. The authority to reject or accept a port depends on your current service provider and their wholesale carrier.2. Webvault provides no guarantee that your telephone number can be transferred withing any specified time frame. The minimum time-frame to obtain a cut-over booking is usually 2-3 weeks.3. Service cut-over times may only be booked between 8AM-2PM ( GMT+8 AWST ) on Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.4. If a porting request is rejected this application must be resubmitted with the correct information, or only once the service problem preventing the port has been corrected.5. Porting a telephone number to Webvault from another carrier will normally result in loss of any associated services attached to that number with with your existing carrier (eg. Voicemail, PSTN Phone Line).6. Local Number Portability (LNP) does NOT guarantee you can keep your telephone number if you move to a different geographical location.7. Porting your telephone number can involve a brief outage of the service number at the time of the cut-over. Webvault is NOT responsible for any missed calls resulting from the cut-over or porting process. Porting of your telephone numbers is entirely at your own risk.8. A one-time transfer fee of $50 (plus GST) applies to the porting of each national 13/1300/1800 service number listed on this application.9. Webvault reserves the right to charge a monthly recurring rental fee for each number listed on this application.10. Cancellation by the customer of a number porting request less than three (3) hours before the scheduled cut-over time may cause a Short Notice Return fee of up to $2,500 (plus GST) to be charged to the customer.