Disclosure and Consent:
Grab Your Bags Travel issues these travel documents in the sole capacity as agent for the airline, tour company, cruise line or other supplier as indicated in the travel document, brochure, correspondence or other communication. As the agent of the supplier, Grab Your Bags Travel does not assume the responsibility for the cancellation or substitution or service by the supplier, financial default of the supplier, refunds or unused services to be provided by the supplier, or any obligation, service or monies not the specific responsibility of Grab Your Bags Travel.
Grab Your Bags Travel is not responsible for your actual vacation. Grab Your Bags Travel assumes no responsibility for any bankruptcy by the suppliers. As an agent, Grab Your Bags Travel maintains no control of the operation, equipment, or personnel for all carriers, cruise lines, airlines, tour companies, hotels, bus lines, insurance carriers, et. al, and therefore can assume no responsibility for personal injury, property damage, or other loss, accident, delay or inconvenience, or irregularity which may be occasioned.
We make every effort to honor the package price quoted originally, however; under certain circumstances your price may be subject to increase prior to full payment due to an increase in the cost for one or more of the travel components of your package.
Prices will not increase after you make full payment, except for charges resulting from increases in government-imposed taxes or fees.
By signing below, you expressly acknowledge your acceptance of these conditions applicable to your purchase and by signing your name and initials you have read and agreed to this being your signature by electronic transfer to Grab Your Bags Travel.