Important information:
Upon completion of your group/troop Girl Scout Bronze Award project, the Group/Troop Leader must complete and submit this form.
Only Juniors who have completed a Junior level Journey, including the Journey Take Action project, and have completed 20 hours toward the Bronze Award project are eligible. (Hours spent on the completion of the Journey and the Journey Take Action project hours do not count toward Bronze Award hours.)
- Junior team members must be registered Girl Scouts in 4th or 5th grade.
- The final report must be turned in no later than 9/30 of the year any Junior in the project group enters 6th grade.
- If you have a team member entering 7th grade this year, they are a Cadette and are not eligible to earn a Bronze Award.
This application is for a leader-approved Bronze Award project completed in this member year. Our member year is October 1 through September 30.
By submitting this application you are acknowledging you understand a Bronze Award is a Take Action project, not a community service project.
Take Action project - a long-term project with sustainable and ongoing influence that addresses an issue's root cause. It is done with the community vs. for. It is a unique initiative to reduce or eliminate why the issue is happening. It includes setting goals and leading a team of volunteers to achieve them.
Take Action projects all have an element of community awareness/education about the issue and involve community volunteers. Juniors should not be the "workforce". For example, if your group visited a pet shelter and found out an issue they are having is overcrowding the project should address the overcrowding issue. Making pet toys or having a donation drive is an act of kindness, but isn't a long-term solution and doesn't address the issue of overcrowding.
Community Service project - is a short-term effort that helps something or someone fulfill an immediate need. It is done for the community vs. with. It often joins an existing effort or team, and it is working toward goals set by others.
A Bronze Award Take Action project can have elements of community service activities but it cannot be most or all of the project. Community service activities should be limited to no more than five of the total 20 hours.
If you submit a majority or all community service project your group may be asked to add additional elements to the project to meet the Bronze Award requirements.
Examples of community service projects:
- Collection drives (clothing, food, toys, supplies, equipment, books, etc.)
- Make and donate items (blankets, pet toys, fidget/calm down kits, holiday baskets, cards, etc.
- Beautification projects (planting flowers, pulling weeds, picking up trash, installing pavers, organizing supplies, cleaning a storage room, clearing or remarking an existing trail, painting, etc.)
- Fixing something that is broken or needs updating (painting/refreshing an item like a bench, picnic table, room, or gazebo, repairing furniture or equipment, fixing or replacing an old sign, etc.)
- Building something (bench, shelves, little free library, blessing/donation box, gaga ball pit, handicapped ramp, dog houses, fences, signs, raised gardens, storage closet, etc.)
If you have questions please contact the Awards Program Manager: