Abstract deadlines:
October 18, 2024 (Guaranteed placement in requested session)
February 14, 2025 (Guaranteed conference participation)
April 1, 2025 (Extended for guaranteed conference participation)
Recommended word count is 200 to 300 words but longer abstracts are permitted. References on the abstracts are permissible but not required (subsequent manuscripts must adhere to SVC guidelines on reference citations).
Abstracts should be submitted in MS Word file format. Presentation title should be bolded (Ariel, 14 Point), Presenter should be listed first in author list and the presenter should be bolded. Additional Authors and company affiliations should adhere to the following format:
Presenter/Author 1 name here, Author 2 name here, etc., in Arial, 10 point
1Company name(s), city, state and country here in Arial italic, 10 point
For more than one company, use superscripts on names to point to different companies
Abstract text should be in Times New Roman, 10 point.